welcum welcum

hal0...welcum t0 my bl0g..v1s1t when u'r3 fr33!! Background.MyEm0.Com

Love Glitter =] =] =]



Monday, November 28, 2011

Contact Tables graphic

Contact Tables graphic: Glitter-Graphics.com is the place with more than a million graphics in every category that matters

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Today's FB like

Today Aqatha Anqel Gan and Mei Celina like my post and photos and activity!! =]

actually is 200++ but i some open already !

sorry so blurrr >,<

Thanks!! Much appreciated!!

Friday, November 25, 2011

Time Square - Theme Park =]

itmas tree when we enter inside....Date : 25 November 2011

a cow??
idk wad was it =.=ll

my mom and the chritmas tree

me and agatha

so nice their drawing and colouring and they WON!! congratzzzzz!! xP

some1's colouring contest

mine + my mom's

agatha's set lunch :]

my lunch set =]

my mom and the tree xD


aga + me

mom + snowman xxD

the ticket to enter the theme park :)
had so much funwith my sis...
we played the car and orbit spin :)

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Do you suffer from BOREDOM ?

 Lonely Girl :(

Lonely Boy =[
Do you often : - 

1. feel tired after eight hours of sleep ?
2. think of taking up a hobby ?
3. say ' life isn't exciting and interesting , there is nothing to do ' ?
4. use the word "boring" when you don't like something or someone ?
5. feel lonely and say ' I have no friends ' ?
6. think you are not good as your friends ?
7. have difficulty switching off the television ?

If you say YES to more than three or four from the above , you probably suffer from BOREDOM !!!

Please comment and share it to teenagers !!
Thanks =]

How well do you and your parents get along?


1. You never argue with your parents
2. Your parents choose ALL your clothes for you
3. You tell your parents some of your secrets
4. You always tell your parents some of your secrets
5. You always tell your parents where you are going
6. Your parents allow you to go out with your friends sometimes
7. Your parents know who your friends are
8. Your parents trust you

Check your score :-
How many statements you answer TRUE
Now, check your score.....

7-8 ----> You have a very good relationship with your parents
4-6 ----> You get along well with your parents . Keep it up
3-5 ----> You are like most teenagers at your age
0-2 ----> You needed to learn to get along with your parents

Please comment and share :)