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Love Glitter =] =] =]



Monday, August 22, 2011

south sea seafood restaurant!!

lol check it out the signboard to the washroom.... cute =)

the lobster so big!!!

wad is this?? is it an eel??? i guess n ot...

OMG!!!!!!!!! mouse fish bt they dun call him a mousefish....lol idk !!!

uLu LanGat !! :)

givinn me a heart-attack!!!  so loww the road....

ooooo.... xD

the scenery at there is nice...its kinda the past time scenery....xP

well there's a chair there...wonderin whose sitting???????

guess what is thissss...!!
let me tell u !!!
its a goose...
there's 3 of them!!! hahazz

woowww... agatha is loooking at de menuu.. guess wads she ordering??? lolzzz

there's a lot of fish there..... =)

wow.  my mom is looking at the menu so serious - ly!!

look at my dad teeth!! lol he's SMILE =)


guess what they are looking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??

yea thats rieee a 

 MONKEY!!! 2 monkeys!!

ewwww...guess wads thisss....!

white parrot

left:black/grey birdright:white parrot

OHHHH!! this is the grey bird.....................................guess what is the white parrot doing!!!

oh there u are white parrot!!
we're guessing wad u doin!!!

grey parrot wanna show us trick!!!

guess ald???
we thought he is eating his seed...


he's trying to get rid of a seed / bean off his beak..
its stuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!!!

look at his tail...its red!! its stomach is white...hahazz

running up and down!!!

to show his trick!!!

hes looking!!!

my dad pull his hair..
he got angry anddddd guess wad!!!!

his yellow hair bloom up just like tat bt i can't take the photo cos its too fast!!!

isn't he's cute??? he's looking at me!!!!


wow a lot of their pics!!!!

puppiess!!!! ahhhh!!! so cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

the puppies mother!! Caution : don't get near her or her puppies or else she will bite u!!!


Thats the END !!
Thanks ! Enjoy !